Monday, May 2, 2011

Gina's BDay Bash!

Audio Confessions is proud to present a special BDay party for our sister Gina Benenati. She has enlightened many of our souls. For this occasion we would like to introduce some seriously talented artists from Florida along with some of New York's finest...

Joint Custody (Hallucination)
Will Renuart (Electric Pickle)
Taimur Agha (BLK Market)
Derek Marin (Subtrak/Biatch Corp)

Joint Custody:
Two individuals coming together for a sole purpose: to share and nurture something far greater than they could alone, while respecting the unique differences and qualities that the other possesses. The commonality of their love for music and their desire to create something special is what brought DJ Matty and Joe Morgan in the studio together, but the journey that each one took before that moment is truly where it all began.

DJ Matty’s musical development started as a child but it was in his early teens that he was first exposed to electronic music, although he had to wait till he was old enough to go out before he was able to truly experience what he was so drawn to. From the second he stepped through the doors of his first nightclub he knew where his passion lay. In ‘91 by chance or by fate, whichever you believe, Matty met and befriended now legendary DJ Monk, whose guidance and influence helped spark a now 20 year career. A career which brought him to Studio 54 at 19 years old, a residency at DJ Three’s Snatch party in Tampa, FL, and the opportunity to play alongside some of the world’s best DJ’s and his greatest influences.
Links and mix:

He opened the Electric Pickle club a year a half ago, and since then has turned the venue into a worldwide phenomena. Will has been hands on with the club and has done everything from the design, sound, to it’s constantly changing themes. Will has trown parties with the likes of Wolf + Lamb, Phonique, Claude Von Stroke. Dixon, Matthew Jonson, Cassy and Toro Y Moi. The club also showcases label parties from highly repected imprints such as Crosstownrebels, Dirty Bird, Pokerflat, Drumcode and Diynamic. The club has built up an extremely solid reputation as one of the best clubs in the world to play at.
Will has been busy getting the Pickle up to where it is but now going to embark on a tour both nationwide and internationally. The highly passionate and widely talented artist is set make big waves over the next 12 months.
Links and mix:

This party will be a theme come prepared:

"Birds of a Feather, Flock Together"

So wear your feathers in support

Libation is one of our new spots. It is unlike the first two floors. We have taken the 3rd floor, which is a VIP floor for private parties. It has it's own entrance, several bathrooms, and is a bit classy. We think you will like it.

Entrance is $10 at the door, there will be no RSVP list. Thank you for your support and stay tuned for our next event that will be June 3rd.